Hello there, fellow ADHD warriors! We understand the unique challenges you face in the workplace and how crucial it is to communicate your needs effectively. That's why we've put together this guide to help you confidently navigate the corporate landscape. In this article, we'll explore essential questions you can ask yourself to identify your specific adjustments and preferences. Plus, we have a downloadable table that will support you in crafting your personalised "Working with Me" document.
Asking the Right Questions
As someone with ADHD, understanding your needs and preferences in the workplace is a crucial step towards creating a more accommodating environment. Here are ten key questions to help you on this journey:
1. Identify Stressful Triggers: Reflect on tasks or situations that cause the most stress or difficulty. By pinpointing these triggers, you can start seeking solutions to manage them better.
2. Tailor Your Adjustments: Consider adjustments or changes that would make those tasks more manageable. Customised accommodations can significantly enhance your work experience.
3. Unravel Communication Challenges: Explore how the current communication style with your manager hinders productivity. Recognising these challenges allows you to find effective ways to bridge the gap.
4. Communication Delivery Preferences: Determine your preferred method of receiving instructions and deadlines. Whether it's visual cues, written instructions, or specific tools, understanding your communication style can foster clearer interactions.
5. Enhance Job Performance: Identify tools or resources that can help you excel in your role. Additional support, specialised software, or skill training can make a world of difference.
6. Minimise Meeting Surprises: Analyse how short-notice meetings impact your focus and contribution during discussions. Suggest alternatives to ensure you have ample time to prepare and participate meaningfully.
7. The Power of Agendas: Emphasise the importance of having meeting agendas in advance to prepare effectively. Access to information will empower you to engage more productively.
8. Coping with Schedule Changes: Develop strategies to cope with unexpected changes to your schedule without compromising productivity and well-being.
9. Leverage Past Success: Recall past accommodations or adjustments that have worked well for you. Sharing these successes with your employer can foster understanding and support.
10. Consider Personal Well-being: Reflect on any personal or health-related considerations requiring additional accommodations. Prioritising your well-being ensures you can thrive in the workplace.
Creating the "Working with Me" Document
To help you answer those questions, we've created a table that will help you answer all those important questions.
Creating the "Working with Me" Document
The "Working with Me" document is a powerful tool for expressing your needs and preferences effectively. To help you get started, we've prepared a downloadable table that will guide you in identifying your unique adjustments and communication style. It's designed to support you in creating a personalised "Working with Me" document that you can share with your employer to foster understanding and collaboration.
[Your Client's Name]: Working with Me
Introduction Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of the document.
Communication Preferences
How I prefer to receive instructions or deadlines: [e.g., Clearly defined deadlines, written instructions, etc.]
The best way to provide feedback to me: [e.g., In-person meetings, written feedback, etc.]
How often I prefer check-ins or progress updates: [e.g., Weekly, bi-weekly, etc.]
Task Management
Tasks I find challenging: [e.g., Time sheet management, etc.]
Suggested adjustments for managing challenging tasks: [e.g., Requesting clear deadlines for time sheets, etc.]
Meeting Preferences
How short-notice meetings impact my productivity: [e.g., Lack of preparation time, etc.]
Requested meeting scheduling preferences: [e.g., Ideally with [X] hours' notice, etc.]
The importance of having meeting agendas in advance: [e.g., To adequately prepare and contribute, etc.]
Preferred Accommodations
Accommodations that have worked well for me in the past: [e.g., Flexible working hours, etc.]
Any specific health-related accommodations needed: [e.g., Ergonomic workspace, etc.]
Conclusion Summarise the document and express appreciation for the manager's support in creating a productive work environment.
Dear ADHDers, you have the right to a supportive and inclusive work environment that recognises and accommodates your unique needs. By asking yourself these essential questions and creating your "Working with Me" document, you take a significant step towards cultivating a workplace where you can thrive. Remember, effective communication is a superpower, and advocating for yourself is empowering. Download our table, and let's embark on this journey together, making the workplace a better place for everyone. You've got this!
